If you still don't have a portable credit card machine for your small business, now is the time to get one. Buying a portable credit card machine may easily be one of the best decisions you can ever make for your business. Whether you're running a coffee shop or a fashion retail store, you will benefit from accepting card payments from your customers. Here are three advantages of using a portable credit card machine for small business.
Take payments anywhere = do business conveniently
A portable credit card machine is designed with a separate unit that you can carry and use while you are a few meters away from the terminal. This way, payment transactions can happen anywhere within your shop. This will cut the queues and will allow you to serve more people. This is not only more convenient for you but for your customers as well since they won't have to line up at the terminal or counter to make a purchase.
Provide faster payment transactions = improve customer service
Did you know that portable credit card machines for small businesses can also print receipts? This is such a significant feature because it makes payment transactions hassle-free. Customers will be able to complete their purchases without having to wait too long in the line. You can go where they are, swipe their card (or tap), then give their receipts. This faster transaction often translates to better customer service, and thus, boosting customer satisfaction.
Accept various types of payments = expand your customer base
If you want to appeal to a wider range of customers, you have to cater to a wider variety of payment preferences. After all, different types of customers prefer to pay differently. If you only accept cash, then you are driving away those who prefer using cards. Offering card payments, as well as online or e-wallet payment options, will invite a wealth of new customers to your shop.
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